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Ok.  So this is going to be big.  Really big.  Bigger than Tones Reunions (Episode 1, 2, & 3) which were big.


How big?


Well, it's so big that we had to move it to the Big Apple!  New York City, baby!


Top 10 reasons to Attend the Tones Reunion 2019 (Episode IV)


  1. It's been four long years since our last reunion.

  2. It's not Oberlin. It's NEW YORK. 'Nuff said.

  3. Max hasn't stopped smiling since the last reunion. Neither has David Ehrenstein.  Really.  That's saying a lot, too.

  4. You get to sing different Tones arrangements in NYC in front of a sold-out audience starved for quality a cappella entertainment (too bad that they'll get us).

  5. Matt Hubbard's hair is longer.

  6. There may be pizza there.  And more pizza.  And still more pizza.

  7. Nolan Williams is the epitome of cool. So is Charlie Dolph.

  8. Niels Bantilian has new, smooth dance moves to try out.

  9. Max is still smiling about the last reunion.

  10. PARTY  (Did we mention that there may be pizza there?)

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